eBooks for Kids Who Want to Explore the World
Alpaca Press offers high-quality non-fiction children’s books specializing in language learning, world travel, geography, and nature.
Check out what’s new!
Travel + Geography
Kids can discover the world with these engaging, fully-illustrated travel and geography books. All books include interactive prompts, activities, and a resource guide.
From the blog…
Paris with Kids: 7 Special Places You Shouldn’t Miss
Traveling to Paris with kids? if you want to share the magic of the city of light with your family, check out our roundup of seven family-friendly places your kids are sure to love!
International Travel with Kids
Planning a once-in-a-lifetime trip to see relatives overseas? Getting ready to explore the world with your family? International travel with kids is much easier if you know the secrets that savvy travelers know.
Teaching Kids to Read: 5 Tips for Parents
Teaching kids to read can be a challenge for many parents. Using the following tips can help you get through to your child without either on of you getting frustrated.